


Casa de Paz

Casa de Paz offers housing, meals, visits, and emotional support to families separated by immigrant detention.

Mountain View United Church supports Casa de Paz by offering time and food to Casa guests.

Knitting 4 Peace

Every Tuesday morning from 10:00 to noon, a group of friendly crafters comes together to change the world one stitch at a time. Our knitted and crochet items go out locally and across the world.

Women’s Homeless Initiative

Women’s Homelessness Initiative: WHI is a consortium of churches working through Capitol Hill United Ministries (CHUM) to give sanctuary and hospitality every night to women who would be on our streets. Mountain View United Church partners with Sixth Avenue UCC to provide welcoming shelter for up to twenty of Denver’s homeless women on certain Saturday evenings throughout the year. Mountain View United Church members greet the women as they arrive at Sixth Avenue UCC and then prepare, serve, and clean up a dinner shared by the volunteer and women guests. After dinner, volunteers often provide after-dinner activities such as coloring and colored pencils, nail polishing, and guest musicians. There are opportunities to serve by setting up cots, providing additional comforts to the women, offering overnight safety and supervision, and preparing breakfast bags. For more information, contact Meredith Ryan, our WHI Coordinator, at mereryan616@gmail.com.

Aurora Interfaith Community 

Aurora Interfaith Community Services (AICS) is a non-profit agency whose sole aim is to express concern for our community by providing substantive emergency assistance to the residents of Aurora.

Sock it to Em

Annual Advent campaign collecting socks for day laborers and women who are homeless.

One Great Hour

of Sharing

Annual special offering to empower communities, provide water, supply food, alleviate poverty, and respond to disasters.